The signal button is at the top of the vehicle’s details page, and it provides information about the current signal to the CC-link installed in the vehicle. You need to click the button to see details:
The signal button can be:
Grey button:
Means that the CC-link is not activated or that there is no longer a CC-link in the vehicle. If there is a CC-link serial number registered (as shown below) it should be cleared by Support.
Green button:
Means that there has been connection to the CC-link within the last 24 hours.
Yellow button:
Yellow signal can mean that there is no connection to the CC-link.
This can be caused by ‘Not connected’ next to GPS and GPRS in the CC-link Settings module.
The signal can also be yellow while the CC-link is "Waiting for user consent". When user has finished the consent flow and onboarded into the MyConnectedCar app, the CC-link status becomes active.
Yellow signal can also mean that the system currently does not recognise the CC-link. This may be due to a wrongly entered CC-link prefix and/or serial number - so check these first. However, in some cases there could be some issues with the CC-link, and you should always contact Support in such cases.