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Organizational Users

Organizational users, is an additional user role implemented on top of the already existing Workshop users with basic or manager rights. An organizational user is a user who has access to all Workshops across an organization. An organization being, for example, a specific market such as the Denmark organizational workspace, or the Sweden organizational workspace.


For more info on User Management and User Roles, please refer to these Help Center Articles:



Difference between workshop user and organizational user;

Workshop User;

  • is a user that has access to one or more workshops within an organization.

Organizational user;

  • is a user that has access to all existing and future workshops within an organization.

An organizational user may also, similar to a Workshop user, have different levels of access. They will either be given a 'basic' role or a 'manager' role. You can read about the different actions that can be taken by the basic and the manager roles here.


How to become an Organizational User.

In order to become an organizational user, you will need to be invited by another organizational user with Manager rights. If you need organizational user access, please contact your own lead or manager, or if you are the lead or manager of your workspace, then you should contact the Connected Cars support team.


How to check what role you, or your colleagues, have.

  1. Press your initials in the bottom left corner.

  2. Press 'User Management'

  3. Here you can sort for users by which workshops they have access to, which user rights they have and what type of user they are.

  4. Organizational users will be identifiable via the list by the [ORG] indicator to the right of their Name and email address. You can also see if they have Basic access, or Manager access.




How to invite a new organizational user.

  • On the user management page, press 'Invite user' in the top right corner.


  • In the popup window, type in the new users email adress and select which role they should have.

  • Select if the user should have basic rights or manager rights.

  • Press 'Invite user' to confirm your choice.

  • An email will be sent to the new user that they should follow to activate their account.

How to change a Workshop user to an Organizational user.

  • Go to 'user management', same as in the previous steps indicated above.

  • Press the user rights for the person whose role you wish to change.


  • Click the option 'Organizational user' in order to change user role.

  • Below, choose if the user should have basic or manager access.



  • Confirm your choice by pressing the blue button at the bottom.

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