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How to use the campaign module

How to create, edit and publish campaigns

As a campaign manager, you need a useful tool to create workshop campaigns towards a targeted audience to improve customer-to-workshop relationships, as well as increase sales. With the ConnectedWorkshop's campaign module, the marketing channel goes straight into the pockets of the customers via the mobile apps - and now it is also possible to target a subset of specific customer segments (vehicle age, brand, etc.).


The campaign tool can also be used to distribute local mass messages (that still remain personalized) efficiently, attracting and converting customer segments. Read here how it is done.


How to create a new campaign

In order to access the campaign tool, you must be assigned as a campaign manager. In order to do so, please contact our support team. When this has been done you can access Campaigns in the main menu and you will see an overview of all the campaigns in the workshops you have access to.


As a campaign manager, you will see that you won’t have access to edit all campaigns visible to you. Some campaigns created by other users have greyed-out texts, since you only have access to preview these, while others' texts are black and are editable.

All workshops assigned to a campaign creator will be able to see the campaigns that are made in the campaign module. If a user has the same workshops assigned as the creator selected, a user will also be able to edit and publish campaigns.

Let us set an example:

You have selected workshop A, B and C in the campaign tool.
Users with access to one of these workshops will be able to view the campaign. Users with access to all three workshops will be able to edit the campaign.


Here is how you create a brand new campaign and tailor it to your needs: Click the Create campaign-button to get started.



A module will then open, and here you can select which workshops that have campaign permission for your campaign. By default, all workshops you have access to will be given permission. Remember to write a title for your campaign for internal use. By this, we mean that the title is for your eyes only and will not be read by the customer; Hence, it can be anything from "Black Friday Deal - ŠKODA age segment 6-8 years only" or whatever you need, to get you a better overview of your many campaigns' content/targets.


In the module, you can also choose whether the campaign contains a link or not, in case you wish to provide a link for the customers that brings them to a workshop's own campaign page.


After you have clicked Save and go to next step, a new module will open where you'll need to add the target audience, as well as write the campaign content that the audience will receive on their phones.



How to add your target audience

Your target audience needs to be manually added to your campaign. The best way to do so is to download your customers' info in a CSV- or Excel file, and copy-paste their VIN numbers into your campaign. Either you have already prepared this file before creating the campaign, or you will have to exit the Edit campaign module and go into your tool's Vehicles page.


You can search by car-make and year to create age segmented campaigns. Once you're satisfied with the list of vehicles you've generated, you can click Export vehicles to download their VIN numbers to your computer. The process is shown here:



When you have downloaded the file with your target audience, save it somewhere easily accessible. You can rename it to find it more easily later.


Open your campaign again and select Upload target audience. A new module opens, where you can copy-paste your downloaded list of VIN numbers directly in. The process is shown here:




Writing the content

To create the campaign content, you will have to click the plus-icon next to the Danish or English content. It is not mandatory to add more than one language, but the tool shows the available language settings in your customers' apps. So if a customer has set their language as Danish, and you add Danish campaign content, they will receive the Danish version of your campaign.


To create a campaign with a campaign link, you will have to provide the URL. Always make sure to start with http:// or https:// and end the URL with a dot ("."). Of course, this is provided automatically if you copy-and-paste the URL directly from a browser window.


You also need to create the title and content of the Push notifications that your customers will receive, if they have this function enabled on their phones.


You also need to create the title and content for the Notification feed that users have in their app.


The content of your campaign should not be anything sold by a different company, like e.g. insurance. All users will receive this content in their feed, regardless of whether they have given marketing consent. So always have your local marketing laws in mind.


Once you are satisfied make sure that you Save. The module will close, and you are ready for the next steps: testing and publishing.


Testing your campaign

Always make sure to test your campaign before publishing, to ensure the right impact on the customers. In the Campaigns overview, find the campaign you want to test first and click Test.


This will open a new module where you can see a preview of how the push notifications and feed content will look on the phone. If you are satisfied with the look and want to see it on a real phone instead, simply input a VIN number of your intended test user - and then you click Send test.


OBS! It is important to note here that the test user should not be a real customer, but someone in the workshop with a VIN number attached to the driver app. This way, you can quickly see if the campaign content and flow works as intended.


Publishing the campaign

The moment you are finished testing your campaign and are ready to publish, you click the Preview button.


This will open a module that, once more, shows a preview of the campaign as seen by the customers. Here you have the option to click the Edit button and change the writing as you wish. When you are satisfied with the content, publish your campaign by clicking Send campaign. From then on your campaign will pop up on customers' phones around the country, strengthening engagement between workshop and customer as well as retention.


The campaign notification will show up on the customers phone, on their lockscreen and in their standard notification feed.

And within the app the customer will be able to view their recent notifications like this:

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