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Roadside assistance for your customers

Read here how getting roadside assistance via the app works for your customers

If your customers should be so unlucky that their vehicle breaks down, registers a critical error where it is ill-advised to continue driving, or they otherwise need roadside assistance, this can be made available in the driver app.


Contact our support with the name of your roadside assistance service, a link to their website (if available), as well as a phone number. You can also disclose in the app whether the roadside assistance is a paid or free service.


With this information, our support will fill out the contact form, and it will be made available to your customers immediately.


What do your customers see?

Your customers will be able to access roadside assistance via its own button on the status screen or in More, as shown further below.


Your customers will also be able to select "I need help" in registered error codes/engine lamps, as well as from user reported lamps to access Roadside assistance.


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