There are many use cases for the driving behaviour feature and driver score: As a vehicle owner you might want to be more conscious about sustainable driving for the sake of your car's health and the environment? Or perhaps you simply might want to drive in a safer fashion?
Regardless of the reasons, here is how we measure behaviour and score.
Measuring driving behaviour
A vehicle with an activated CC-link installed can collect data about acceleration, brake, and turn events. A driver with a MyConnectedCar account can choose whether they wish the app to collect and analyse these data incidents in "Trips". If the setting is enabled by the user and the user begins driving, the driving data will be visible for them to see.
In Statistics the user can learn more about their driving behaviour as well as generate a driver score from 0-10. It is important to note that the score will not be calculated until there is 4 weeks' and 50 km of driving, since the calculation needs enough driving data in order to calculate a sensible driving score.
The score gives an indication of how lightly or harsh the vehicle is being driven in comparison to other vehicles using the same app.
How is the driving score calculated?
When the vehicle is driving, the CC-link will collect events like sharp turns, hard accelerations, and medium to hard brakes that are detected through accelerometers in the unit. The score is affected by the severity of the events, meaning that a lighter brake event has a smaller effect on the driving score than a dramatic manoeuvre, where the car is swerving.
When the number of incidents and the severity of the incidents has been calculated, this number is divided by number of kilometers driven. Finally, the scores from all drivers are compared and normalized. The individual driving score is relative as it is always derived from the driving behaviour of others as well.
That is how we calculate the driver score!
a.) Since the driver score is relative there can be periods of time where an individual driver experiences that they have driven as they normally do, but their score has plummeted. This can be explained by the context of our daily lives: are less people driving right now? If so, then there are less driver scores to be compared to and thus: the score will be lower than normal. The score will improve once more people drive again.
b.) Also, in order for this feature to work, the CC-link needs to be firmly mounted to the chassis. A loosely mounted CC-link will rattle and generate much more events, thus skewing the score. Despite strict mounting instructions, we can't guarantee that all CC-links were mounted firmly enough. If in doubt, check the installation.