Learn everything regarding the secondary user feature
It is quite common that a household of two or more will share their vehicle or vehicles. It is possible for the vehicle's primary user to invite family and friends to the vehicle via their driver app as secondary users. With this feature other users the primary user have invited gain access to participate in the workshop chat, book service and much more.
Who is the primary user?
The primary user is the customer that was invited to the vehicle via ConnectedWorkshop. This person is presented on the vehicle details' page as the Primary user:
This is how a secondary user is invited
It is only possible to invite secondary users this way:
The very first time a primary user opens their app there is a tile on the status screen for inviting a secondary user. There, the primary user will also choose what level of data sharing all users should have.
The primary user can also go to "More" and choose the vehicle they want to invite others to. There, the user can select "Manage users":
Every vehicle can support 1 primary and 5 secondary users. The secondary users will receive an email-invite that they can register with. Once this has been completed, they will have access to the vehicle. It is that simple!
What data does a secondary user have access to?
The primary user can choose to share the vehicle's position, its status data and active alarms, and also its trip history with a secondary user, by choosing "shared access":
The primary user can also choose to limit location data with secondary users:
The second option means that the car position will be disabled on the status screen for all users. Trip start and end positions will also be unavaible, among other trip data, until a trip is assigned to one or more users.
The secondary user will always have access to the worshop chat, where they can actively participate in the on-going conversation between workshop and primary user.
A secondary user cannot invite other users to the vehicle, but they can see other users with access to the same vehicle as they have.
Workshop chat with both primary and secondary users
In the chat it will show whether it is the primary or secondary user that is writing. It will also be visible in the conversation details to the right whether the vehicle has one or more secondary users:
How to erase a secondary user
If a secondary user want to be removed from the vehicle, this has to be done by the primary user in the app. This is done in the same place they were originally invited in: Manage users.
OBS! If a workshop removes the primary user from a vehicle with secondary users assigned, then all users will be erased. This is also advised in a warning: