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Change of ownership in markets without a national vehicle registry

Here we describe how we protect the privacy of the users and what the recommended actions are if you suspect an ownership change

Whenever a vehicle changes ownership the former user should no longer have access to the vehicle. In markets where there is no national vehicle registry, there's also therefore no clear signal when this happens.


We have therefore implemented several initiatives in order to mitigate this.


Remove vehicle if ownership have changed

First of all, it is the the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle to remove it, if its no longer in their possession. This is in most markets also written into the terms of use.


Every email we send out includes a section that reminds the user to remove their vehicle with a link to do it.



Otherwise the user can always do it from within the app:

  • Navigate to 'More'

  • Click the 'vehicle'

  • Scroll down and click 'Remove vehicle'


If you as a workshop suspect that a vehicle has the wrong user attached, you should ask the user for proof of ownership. The proof needs to couple the users identity with the ownership of the car, like a picture of an ID and a registration certificate.

If they are not able to provide that within a reasonable time period, you should remove the user from the vehicle. Go to 'Vehicle details' > Click 'Remove user'. The user will be informed that they were removed from the vehicle.



GPS positions and driver profiling automatically disabled for inactive users

For those users who forget to remove their vehicle upon change of ownership, we automatically limit sensitive data collection.


If a user has not logged into the app for 30 days, we inform the user that we will automatically disable GPS and driver profiling collection if they don't log into the app within 7 days.

  • If they log in, they keep the features enabled

  • If they don't login within these 7 days, we disable the features



The user can then manually enable the features again from 'More' > 'Vehicle' > 'Data settings' > 'Current status' > Enable 'Unit GPS position'



If they continue not to log in for an additional 60 days, we lock the data settings. In order to re-enable the features, you have to contact your workshop.



From the workshop perspective, you'll need to confirm ownership before unlocking the data settings for the car owner.
Note: Remember to verify the validity of documentation for proof of ownership.
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