Step 1: check that the car is registered on the platform.
If the car isnt registered on the platform, add the users car. Follow this guide.
Step 2: Check that the user is connected to the car.
If there is no user connected to the car, add the user to the car.
Step 3: If there is a user connected to the car, check that they are registered and logged into the app with the correct email.
You can see the user's info on the cars page by scrolling down. It will look like this;
Step 4: If the user is registered with the correct email, and they still are unable to see their car, ask them to log out and log back into the app with the same email that's registered in the system.
It's very important that the user does not use Facebook or Apple ID to log in with, as these will be added as a new account and therefore will not be the same user as the one that is connected to the car.
Step 5: If the user insists that they are logged in with the correct user, but still cant see their car in their app, ask them to double-check their account settings.
They can check their account settings by going in the app and go to the 'More' tab, then press 'Profile' then 'Account' and under their name their email address should be noted down.
Step 6: Compare the email address in their app to the one in the system. It happens once in a while that a user has misspelled their email and are therefore being logged in with the wrong user.
For example;
In picture 1 the email connected is, but on the app the registered email is
Therefore, the conclusion here is that the user is logged in with the wrong email address in the app.
Step 7: Ask the customer to log out and back in again with the confirmed correct email address. They should now be able to see their car in their app.
If none of these steps work, please contact support, and we will do our best to help you solve the issue.